Personal Social Development

lAwarding Body

Course Level

Qualifications worth

What is the Course?
Personal Social Development covers Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, living in the wider world and Citizenship.

What will I learn?
You will cover careers education, including information regarding pathways up to age 18 and beyond. Health issues such as sex and relationships, alcohol and drugs will also be covered. The citizenship element will teach pupils about their rights, responsibilities, duties and freedoms, also about law, justice and democracy.

How will I be assessed?
Progress will be reviewed at the end of each unit and at half termly intervals by your teacher. A range of self, peer and teacher assessment will be ongoing to review your progress.
When will I be assessed?

Additional Information
Up to year 9 Citizenship will be taught as a separate lesson
In Year 10 and 11 Citizenship will be incorporated into the PSD course
PSD is taught by tutors in a designated PSD lesson once per fortnight

What will this course allow me to do?
PSD will ensure that you are fully informed about the options open to you as your progress through your education and consider the next steps. Through the study and discussion of the other, wide range of issues, it will contribute to your understanding of society and how you can play an active, safe and positive role as a part of your community and a global citizen.

Useful links & Publications
Student Support - Careers Advice and Guidance on the school website: