Awarding Body


Course Level


Qualifications worth

Grades 1 - 9

What is the Course?

GCSE PE enables students to enjoy and understand the benefits of living a healthy and active lifestyle. In Year 9 students will receive two hours per fortnight of theory work where they will study the effects of exercise on the body, the organisation of sport in the UK and the psychology of sport. The other two hours per fortnight is devoted to practical activity.

What will I learn?

As part of the theory, students will gain an understanding of the following topics:

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Movement Analysis
  • Physical training - how to improve fitness
  • Sports Psychology
  • Socio Cultural influence
  • Health, fitness and well being

Each concept will be covered in relation to its effect in sports participation and performance.

How will I be assessed?

The exam will make up 60% of the overall grade. The assessment and practical work is 40%. Thirty percent practical performance in three different sports and 10% analysis and evaluation of performance and production of a written training programme. Of the three sports one must be a team sport and one an individual sport.

When will I be assessed?

The two theory exams are taken during the summer of Year 11. The practical work is assessed throughout the course, however final marks are submitted during May of Year 11.

Additional Information

Pupils who chose this option must have a passion for performing, perfecting and learning about sport. It is essential that you are performing sport outside of school. A well motivated hard working personality is essential if high standards are to be achieved. It is an ideal opportunity to gain a GCSE qualification to learning about something you enjoy. However it is not an easy option, those who believe this will be surprised at the workload. There is one piece of homework set per week from theory work.

What will this qualification allow me to do?

The course is suited to those pupils wishing to study A Level PE/BTEC Sport after GCSEs.

Useful links & Publications

